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they're "doomed", to put if figuratively, because that's what the Wii had one week with its supply still limited. In otherwords, the demand for the Wii far exceeds that of the 360 and PS3 and it will become even more evident when the holiday season ends and the Wii shows us its legs above and beyond the 360 and PS3 once more.

This week was not important just because it increased the number of Wii's sold, but because it flexed the Wii's muscles for the whole gaming and developing world to see. The Wii made an example of the 360 and PS3 at the peak of the holiday season. With this one week Nintendo may have very well chased away the last bit doubt anyone had that the PS3 or 360 had a chance or that the Wii wasn't a force to be taken seriously.

No one is claiming the road will be a smooth one for the Wii's domination beyond this point, but it sure as hell makes for one nice trail marker on that path.