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scottie said:
Doobie_wop said:
Garnett said:
Winters said:
Developers will keep saying this for the next 7 years.

Are they saying that they are getting the full 100% of what they think is possible or 100% of what is actually possible with the PS3s SPU?

"But I think we’re pushing 100 percent right now"

How do they even measure this? Could they provide us with a graph or chart? Please? I love lines...



Just like naughtydog, their blowing smoke.

Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 are the two best looking console games ever made, how are they blowing smoke? I think someone would have to be daft to think Killzone 3 won't look better than the already great looking Killzone 2.

OT: Both Naughty Dog and Guerilla have just said that they are using all the SPU's and are just squeezing out as much as they can out of the hardware, I can't see what the problem with the statement is and I'm starting to think some people are just bitter.

The problem that people have, is that (as anyone who has done any programming could tell you) 


int x == 2:

while(x > 1){

x =1:



Will use 100% of a computer's processing power (well, it won't because there are limits to how much processing power the computer will give to it, but you get my point) and, if left long enough will use 101% of a computer's ram


The point is, whenever any developer says they have maxed a console, they are blowing smoke. It is ALWAYS possible to write code in a more efficient manner, thus allowing the same level of graphics etc while using less processing power.


So either they are blowing smoke, or they actually meant to say that they have squeezed out as much as they can without hitting either the limit of their ability to program or the limit of how much time they can put into the game in order to still make a decent profit
