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ironman said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

I like how PC and its unbeatable value and offer width make Mr Puggsly feel so butthurt and sour grapes!   

Well I take advantage of those deals as well. I have a nice collection of games on Steam.

But lets face it, its a reflection the piracy problem.

Well, I'm not blind, PC has its fair share of problems, but so have consoles too. And don't forget that should console producers start an early HW release war, like the one MS tried ending prematurely XB1 (but it had no choice, to be honest), 3rd party SW producers would be hurt badly, by suboptimal growth of the user base of a console generation, by shorter duration of the optimal part of programming learning curve compared to the initial expensive and difficult part and so by bigger costs and smaller profits. PC has a continuous evolution, OTOH, it gives the problem, often big, of power whore games being bloated for most of the user base at the time of their release, but the thing is compensated by the fact that no developer is really forced to behave that way and that there aren't the problems and costs tied to generation changes. Piracy is a serious problem, but it can be partially fought with different strategies, and it didn't kill PC world even when it was smaller and weaker than now. Finally, there always were and always will be developers and publishers that get crushed in both worlds.

Edit: BTW, like inronman, I'm one of those that tried Steam ages ago, when it was buggy as hell, I uninstalled it, I didn't try it anymore and I don't even remember my account name, I find good PC offers elsewhere and in different ways.

Value is subject to a person't interpritation of it. I can't stand playing games with a keyboard and a mouse, so PC gaming is not a good value for me, wheras Shio and his ilk find great vaqlue in it because they enjoy the mouse/keyboard combo.  Anyway, I used Steam about a year ago to download America's Army...which my PC wouldn't play anyway, so, what does that tell you? lol

Agree. Although as PC user I'm not mouse and keyboard only fan, to begin with, I bought a gaming pad that maps a subset of most used keyboard keys in a more ergonomic way, I use also a joystick and a my most recent purchase is a mid-range priced force-feedback wheel with pedals (after a totally crappy entry-level Thrustmaster one), as the joystick for my tastes isn't good for more realistic racers. BTW I came back to mouse only recently with led and laser optical ones, after years with a Logitec trackball, I couldn't stand anymore the old, unreliable and imprecise rubber ball mice. And I so hate when Windows allows install programs and DRMs to mess with system libraries and drivers, I'll have to reinstall it because it doesn't see anymore a DVD writter that works perfectly with Linux. As I wrote, I like PC, but I don't think by any means that it's perfect, there is room for improvements in every platform.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!