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I guess you can call me a cheap competitive, all rounder, to some extent casual gamer. My play time is consistently about 5-10 hours per week, but I don't care for games that don't challenge me. I'm also a fanboy for lack of funds.

Cheap(some might even say financially wise/content) gamer should have been a category branching off of casual. I don't want to buy a DS b/c pokemon yellow still serves me just fine. I wait until ~two years after the console has been out to decide if I want to buy it. By that time there will likely have been a price cut and more great gmes will be on the market. On occassion I buy a used game via craigslist/ebay, much to the dissapproval of some on this site.

Completionist should have also been a category with the advent of acheivements/trophies and games like Super Mario Galaxy2, Crackdown, the timesplitters series that offer ample amounts of collectables. It can be a way to squeeze every drop out of a game, or simply just a challenge. They've been around since I've been playing games...Super Mario World to my knowledge was one of the pioneers in this category.

Late Bloomer-someone who plays a bunch of games from the previous generation and isn't in any hurry to upgrade...or financially isn't in a position to. I know a few of these.

Sampler/ranker-someone who plays many games from the current gen or past gen for the purpose of sampling, ranking, reminicising the system and the games.

Eb and flow hardcore- Perhaps during the summer months, or when work is not particullarily busy. Someone who can play non-stop for a given time then take an extended break altogether. I know a few people who got CODed out for a while.

Series loyalist-someone who primarily plays a certain series ie COD, Halo, Zelda.