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Alby_da_Wolf said:
ironman said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
SpartenOmega117 said:

I kind of wished microsoft introduced another type of membership. I wish they had membership just for playing online and party chat for like $30-$40. Because honestly i dont care about (have an ipod), facebook (have a computer), twitter (have a computer), and ESPN (have cable). With all of these useless services thay should have introduced a platinum membership for $60 for people who actually use these services.

Wait, do XBL users PAY for Facebook??? So are they the origin of false rumours and chain letters about Facebook becoming a pay service?   :-S  :-@ 

No, facebook was added to the XBL experiance. The price of XBL did not go up to compensate for the add on, so basically it is free.

So if it was added for free, it's available also with Silver accounts.

Did you not read a word I wrote? Here, let me put it a differant way so you can hopefully understand. Facebook was an add-on that did not cost Gold users any more money than before, therefore it is NOT a pay service, if it was, the price of Gold would have gone up at launch to compensate.



Squilliam said:

Gamer butts have been found to be very accommodating. Im sure they can fit a few more inches at least...

I simply MUST quote you on this, good sir!!!

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!