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Yes the Wii is selling very good but....

1. The software isnt selling the best. The software that really only sells on it is Wii sports or that other one with a free Wii mote (wii play?). Mario did sell well but far behind what people thought. In Japan that game didnt sell even close to what people were predicting.

2. Wii probally wont be here that long. I have a feeling Nintendo will bring in a New console in the next couple of years. I'd say around 2 years once the Wii sales slow down drastically if that ever happens. Then again if that does happen Nintendo can just do a price drop and look what will happen. No wii's once again.

3. Personally now I think its just PS3 vs. Xbox 360. The Wii has taken off and I doubt either of those can catch up. Im sorry to say this but by the end of next year I think 360 will be done. It will end up in last last place behind two consoles that started a year late. Plus the 360 doesnt sell great anywhere beside in North America.
