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Pretty good, Smeags. 

I'm dubious about the X360's Already Released and Questionable list.  I'm skeptical those titles will get enough of a holiday boost to make it.   Same with Rabbids Go Home and Harry Potter Years 1-4.  The former because another Rabbids game is on the way this year and the latter because that's just too big a hill to climb I think.  I'm also leary about Goldeneye 007 because of heavy compeition from what will likely be a superior experience from CoD: BO and the nastalgia buffs will pick it up early leaving shorter legs.  With PS3, I don't have much faith in the Already Released and Questionable list as well.  Of course cuts, new advertising and such could help give that needed boost to crack 1 m before 1/1/11.


The rEVOLution is not being televised