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Well I personally ventured into my local walmart for a few neccessities and went by the electronics department as I ususally do.

MS, Sony - all full , 1 360 Arcade gone, PS3 case filled up, PSP's packed.

Wii games looked pretty solid (only a few spots empty), no Wii's obviously

the DS section was decimated. There were 3 different games in stock, no DS's , zero. A few of the three different games (no I didnt stick around to look closely, way too crowded). Every other spot in the DS section was empty (I live in a crap poor county as is, so its no suprise that the cheapest was the most empty). Another big observation were the accessories, no Wii accessories left, no charging stations, only a few wii-gloves, nothing else left, remotes or otherwise. (There were Pallets of single accessory packs - a pallet of display of some kind of wii gloves and cases for wiimotes, one with cases and stylus for ds, etc, all 3rd party junk)