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Sky Render said:

I don't really recall any HD games I have played being particularly fun to me. Oh certainly, they have impressive visuals, but... Well, Oblivion quite frankly bored me with its dated gameplay. What little I tried of Motorstorm didn't impress me either; it just struck me as yet another racing game with an annoying "vehicle can fall apart" feature that made it unnecessarily harder. In fact, the only even remotely impressive high-resolution game I've seen (if it even counts as one) is Portal. Mostly because of its gameplay merits, not its visual ones.

To put it another way: impressive visuals are nothing but what they are. If the game isn't fun, for me at least, I don't care if it does look pretty. I won't be replaying it, or likely even finishing it.  Saying that a game is good because the graphics are impressive is like saying that you're a good artist because you use the best paints money can buy.  The former is not implied by the latter in either case.