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@ Sky Render

Well, Oblivion quite frankly bored me with its dated gameplay.

I played over 120+ hours! One example why I like the game:

I created quite a bit of havoc in one of the cities, I wouldn't recommend this as you need the guards to protect the cities from Oblivion gates, but this is what happened.

I made quite a few friends which will help me if attacked. I summoned my own Deadroth at my command, but used him as target practice to improve my bow skills, but the Deadroth will get angry entually if attacked and so starts to attack me and the guards came to my aid to battle the Deadroth, but others nearby (members of the fighters and mages guild) thought the guards were just suddenly attacking my creature and started to battle with the guards, it was nice watching this battle unfold from the rooftops at a safe distance, more and more guards came and more and more mages guild, assassins and fighter guild members joined in on the battle, eventually leaving a dozen city guards and many others dead! Oh well, I searched all the bodies and sold off all their armour and other possessions and earned quite a bit of gold! Wow! 8-)

What little I tried of Motorstorm didn't impress me either; it just struck me as yet another racing game with an annoying "vehicle can fall apart" feature that made it unnecessarily harder.

I love the game, IMO it's quite unique for a racer with its great leaps of faith and multiple track routes, this game is also really fun to play online!

To put it another way: impressive visuals are nothing but what they are. If the game isn't fun, for me at least, I don't care if it does look pretty.

Better graphics and sound can add to the gaming experience similar to a sci-fi or fantasy movie with good special effects or one with really bad special effects. But what I have been talking about regards game complexity in general.

Saying that a game is good because the graphics are impressive is like saying that you're a good artist because you use the best paints money can buy.

True if games were like static paintings, but modern games are far more complex, they are like virtual worlds with water, wind, sun, character interactions, environment interactions, etc, etc.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales