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BEST graphics on PS3 (EXCLUSIVES) , in this order (imo):

1) Uncharted 2 (including those excellent facial animations that beat GoW3 among many others in this list)

2) God of War 3 (it could be number 1, but Uncharted 2 has lots more visuals in the environment, and it's full 3D camera movement, God of War has some very SICK texture work and lighting, but not as diverse and the camera is still while playing).

3) Metal Gear Solid 4 (some points below the others above because of color palette and some uneven texture quality)

4) Killzone 2 (Sick overall graphics, particles, environment, lighting and depth of field)

5) Heavy Rain (very detailed character models and some great scenery, but it's uneven quality drops points)

6) Gran Turismo 5 : Prologue (still looks amazing, and it 1080p 60fps. HDR lighting looks the best, and the in-car view still is a beauty to behold)

7) Little Big Planet (Amazing particles, lighting, self-shadowing, it's gorgeous and visually endless)

8) Rachet & Clank : A Crack in Time. (It's amazing how awesome this game looks and everything happening on screen without slowdown, solid framerate)

9) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (The first major PS3 exclusive and the one that started the best new Sony franchise still hangs in there with the best this gen, it was just that good for its time so sorry to any other worthy mentions )

10) MLB The Show 10 (Real life sports don't get more real than this)


Other worthy mentions: Valkyria Chronicles (art style, art direction) Demon's Souls (design, art direction), Motorstorm Pacific Rift, Flower, WipEout HD Fury.