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@ Sky Render

I remember they did a demo called Mario 128, where there were 128 Marios running around tossing stuff around, throwing each other around, etc., while terrain modifications were run on the surface they were on.

Games have become far more complex than that, in Super Stardust HD you have many thousands of moving object colliding with each other changing their movements paths, super high paced attacks and explosions, believe me this game couldn't be done on the Wii even with a significant graphics detail downgrade.

Many modern effects takes lots of processing power. Uncharted for example has very impressive water effects, varied animations which are slighty different each time. In Ratched and Clank: Tools of Destruction there are huge hordes of near Pixar quality enemies on screen at once without dropping frames, there's so much more with regard to game complexity the Wii can't handle well enough compared to higher specced systems other than just output resolution or lighting effects, think about advanced AI, huge overwhelming areas to explore like in Oblivion, etc, etc.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales