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MikeB said:

@ Shams

But the single word, that can be used to describe 2007 accurately: Nintendomination.

IMO you can't have "Nintendodomination" when 360 + PS2 + PS3 sales for the home console market are significantly larger in terms of total hardware sales and especially considering the huge gap in software sales.

You can set whatever definition you like. Looking at the weekly worldwide charts, these are the numbers that accurately represent the industry at the moment:

MS: 10-15% (360)

Sony: 25-30%  (PS3 + PSP + PS2)

Ninty: 60-65% (DS + Wii... ignoring GBA)


More than 50% of total market share, more than all competitors added together. And the biggest selling titles worldwide are also Nintendo titles.

You can call it what you want, I will call it Nintendomination. They have driven most of the industry growth for the last 2 years, and have continued to do it this year.

Next year will be more of the same. 

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