MaxwellGT2000 said:
The plot point preventing her from using her powers is Adam a major character in Samus' life if you've played the series. As for controls G4 and GI seem to be the ones bitching about that, reading other reviews actually call it innovative, surprise surprise. It seems to me there are things that could have been done better but both G4 and GI seem to spew nonsense and even their reviews conflict with each other despite both of them being the lowest scores for this game focusing to bash on the same things, one says the music is very prevalent and amazing the other says it's hardly there, now that is something that is easy to discern and is just a fact if its there its there if its not its not... someone is flat out wrong between the two at least on that subject. |
1. 1. I have played the metroids front to back, but i am NOT gonna fall for.. Samus wont use her full potential because somebody told her too..regardless of there relationship...its dumb.. period. Dont even try to juatify that.
2. IGN austrailia, who gave it a 8, also "touched didnt whine about but they realized it was there" on the control
3. Once again we cannot expect awhole branch of reviewers to agree on the same thing even if they part of the same branch, i mean there not robots. I would agree with youon the music( though i havent seem that as a complaint) but whole mindset that if this revie gives it a 9 then everything else should or we cry about or discredit the reviewer company* who we would praise if it gave the score we wanted* is just one stupidest most annying thing to happen.