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@ Sky Render

current-gen competition

According to VGChartz the PS2 outsold the 360 for the week which ended on the 22nd of December, IMO the PS2 is current gen hardware.

And I suppose you won't allow DS and PSP numbers to factor in

No the handhelds IMO are more rivals of cellphone and PDA gaming rather than home console gaming. Specs wise the Wii is much closer to the PS2 than to the PS3 and I think for the long run with people moving towards HDTV and 5.1/7.1 audio equipment this will hurt the platform.

I don't think the Wii is even in much a direct competition with the PS3... The two systems don't have much software overlap, so owning both platforms wouldn't be strange at all (and where they do with regard to more complex games a PS3 version would likely be the better choice).

The PS2 and Wii are IMO of less relevance with regard to future games I like to play, this for different reasons. The PS2 will continue to do well in 2008, but after this I think the platform will fade away. The Wii also isn't powerful enough to do the games I love to play, Super Stardust HD just has too much going on at once for it to handle, multiplatform games I am interested in won't do very well on the platform as the platform is dominated by small kids and females, the guys (aged 16-40) owning the system likely own a PC, 360 or PS3 as well and it just makes more sense to buy a BioShock, Oblivion or Unreal Tournament for much higher specced systems.

Don't get me wrong, I love playing Wii-mote games like Wii Sports with my kid sister, but there's no chance for the console to be my main gaming system and I think most guys feel the same way. Also IMO Wii games so far look pretty crap on especially HDTVs, the HDTV market penetration is on the uprise and is of importance to me.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales