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Michael-5 said:
Tigerlure said:
Michael-5 said:
unknown_soul89 said:
Michael-5 said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Tigerlure said:

No, I'm not under that assumption. What I do know at this moment is 2011 is looking like a MUCH better year for Sony than it is for Microsoft. I also think that you guys are relying on Kinect too much to carry the 360 on, as with Fable 3, which definitely won't be as much as a system seller as Halo Reach. So what do you have after this Christmas? Gears and thats it? Then what? Kinect exclusives? If that's all Microsoft has for 2011, I'd be a little bit worried, because Sony will probably have a few surprises in for you.

What's your point? Doesn't Sony have a "MUCH better year" every year? Is 2011 some how even more spectacular than all the others years?

As I said before, you don't know what MS has coming after the Holidays. And once again you underestimate them by saying Gears is all they have coming. Why promote future games when MS already has a lot coming for 2010?

Every year the 360 gets great exclusives. I don't see why 2011 is gonna be any different.

Actually looking online at some exclusives, 360 does have a pretty decent 2011 lineup, it's just that Sony advertizes games comming out in the distant future, where Microsoft does not. I mean have you heard any information about Huxley, Forza Kinect, Kingdoms, Kingdom Under Fire, Dead Island, Crash Time 2, Mech Warrior, Demons of Mercy, Dungeon Hero, Prey 2, Duke Nukem, Risen, or Theseis among others? Also Microsoft tends to announce big games late. Forza Motorsport 3 was annouced in E3 2009 and was released in October 2009, Gears 2 was announced in April 2008 and released in November 2008, etc.

Atleast half of those games will suck horribly and become the 360 exclusive no1 ever hears about or wants (there are tons of them just look at the 360 list) so I seriously doubt 360 has a decent 2011 line up, I mean what good unknown 360 exclusives came out in 2010 or 2009?

Well Alan Wake only sold 700k units, so thats basically a hidden gem for 2010,Crackdown 2 didn't sell that well either, but got above 8/10 ratings, same with Metro 2033 for 2010. Monster Hunter Frontier was a very well rated Monster Hunter game in Japan, and well for Hidden Gems, thats a good list. What did PS3 have in 2010? MAG, White Knight Chronicles, and Mod Nation Racers?

I also really doubt that Huxley, Forzy, Kingdoms, Dead Island, Mech Warrior, or Prey 2 will suck horribly. Duke Nukem might, I'll admit that, Kingdom Under Fire was a lot better on the original X-Box so it may turn out alright. As for the rest, I don't know much about them, so I can't judge. I mean, Prey 1, Forza, and Cryteck games always get above 9/10, so you're just silly.

I think, these threads, and thread all over just need people to realize that there is more to gaming outside their current console. I for example didn't have a PSP until recently, but there are a lot of great titles on that little handheld, I don't regret buying a DS instead (PSP is a friends), but it's definatly a good console. If the 360 was not a good console, and didn't have good games, then thats just pathetic that the PS3 is still being outsold by it 4 years after the PS3 launch.

Microsoft is notorious for keeping it's big titles hidden until only a few month before launch. I mean we learned about Gears 3 at E3, so 10 months before it's launch, we learned about Halo: Reach last E3, so 15 months before launch, we learned about Forza 3 in April 2009, and it came out only 6 months later in October, and Gears 2 was February for a November title, so only 9 months.

We have known about Killzone 2, 3 years, before launch, Gran Turismo 5, 4 years before launch, Metal Gear Solid 4 32 months before launch, etc.

So of course right now the PS3 line-up for 2011 looks better, the 360 only has 4 currently announced 9/10 or greater exclusives (Gears, Prey 2, Forza Kinect, Kingdoms) and PS3 has 3? (Killzone 3, InFAMOUS 2, Twisted Metal maybe if they seriously improve the game from E3 this year, Shadow of the Colosus if it's released). So even now without any big fall 360 title, the 360 lineup looks better.

I'm not worried for Microsoft, and I think the only reason you are is because your hoping the PS3 will begin to outsell the 360 again, but this time without the assistance of the Slim moel. I just doubt it's going to happen. MS is just focusing on it's 2010 lineup now because it has a pretty awesome one set up, and next year it will worry about 2011.

I'll be willing to bet you Killzone 3 and InFamous 2 will score higher than those 3 exclusives you listed easily. And that's not all Sony's lineup. There's  Socom 4, The Last Guardian, Resistance 3, Ratchet and Clank All-4-one and other exclusives Sony hasn't even announced. And before you ask, yes, Socom 4 and Resistance 3 will sell a million copies easily.


What's your 360 lineup again?

Okay I'll take you on with this bet. I'm serious. What specifically do you want to bet, and are we going to use Metacritic scores, or VGCharts, or some other website like IGN or Gametrailers? I will bet you that Gears of War 3 will get a higher rating then Killzone 3, and hm... InFAMOUS and Forza Kinect will be a lot closer. This one I just want to make a friendly bet. With Gears 3 I want to make a proper gamble. How about a cheap PSN game?

Resistance 3 is rumoured, it has not been announced, The Last Guardian has no set launch date, the last Socom was probably the worst rated PS3 exclusive, and Ratchet is legit.

Also I don't doubt Resistance 3 selling over a million, but I do doubt Socom. Regardless, why do sales matter, Valkeria chronicles didn't sell a million, and it's a great RPG.

Also just for reference, I am not arguing that the 360 lineup is better then the PS3 lineup, I am just saying that both consoles have had roughly equally great lineups in the past, and in the future, they continue to be equally as great.

So separating the good games out of exclusives: 360: Gears 3, Kingdoms, Forza Kinect, Prey 2, MechWarrior, Huxley, Dead Island. As for PS3: Ratchet and Clank, Killzone 3, InFAMOUS 2, and Twisted Metal.

So 6 to 4 in favor of 360, but it's likely that either Resistance 3, or The Last Guardian will come out in 2011, so lets say 6-5. Now Microsoft has announced their big fall exclusive relativly close to launch the last two years, so it's likely that they will announce something next year, but to be fair Sony may announce Uncharted 3 or something else.

So garenteed right now it's a 6-5 race, but it's likely to be 7-6, and who knows what Hidden Gems will surface? Most of the 360 2011 exclusives I have never heard of, and there are so many rumored games on both consoles. Killer Instinct 3, Jade Empire 2, and Rare's Kinect Fitness game are still maybes for 2011.

My point is that, you can't say PS3's lineup is MUCH better, maybe it's better for you, but that doesn't mean it will be for everyone else. Both consoles are great, and have great games, and I would like to leave it at that.

Resistance 3 was confirmed at GamesCom

Socom 4 is looking good, here's a video. note the last Socom was made by different developers than the original. Adding those 2, it's 8-7 PS3 favor, and to be honest, I haven't heard of Huxley, Dead Island, or MechWarrior. I wouldn't count those as big exclusives really, but I may be wrong.

My bet was that Those 3 games would score an average higher than your 3 games. It's a friendly bet.