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I'm Russian and I dont know if I'm european or not. I may consider it but Europeands are far for admiting it, isnt they? =)
Europeans say the word 'hate' very easy. I dont know where it came from but hatred is the common place for them. Germans hate Franks, Franks hate Germans and they hate Angles altogether. UK dwellers hate everybody who lives at the continent etc. With this 'lovely' hatred they live already a millenium making long and exhausing wars and trying to prove each other who is the best in Europe. Appoxemetely once per 2 centures they tried to occupy Russia and we had to punch their noses. Teutons, Polaks, Sweds, Franks, Germans, etc. tryed to do. And after all they call us barbarians.
Now they hate the US and easily state they we dont like XBox 360 cuz they hate the US. Childish. Offensive. Mindless
****Sry for offtopic *******

We Russians dont hate the USA. I may not say that we felt in love with it but mainly we dont care. But we preffer PS3 - why? The question is obvious.
First we choose without any patriotic pathetics like US games do. Cuz we dont care.
Second comes pure logic. Original XBox failed and has no support.
Third PS3 is BR player for free.
PS3 has no RRoD
PS3 and X360 games lineups are particularly the same now
PS3 will have more games we want to have and games we like PS
PS3 offers a complete solution while XBox 360 needs additional expenses to make it perfect or suit your needs (like WiFi dongle or HD DVD drive)

And finaly MS doesnt have such influence here to suck our brains out ....