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nobodyspecial said:

Islamic terrorism has been going strong for around 1500 years, I seriously doubt the acceptance of a mosque near ground zero will defeat it! The way to defeat it is to declare Islam what it is, an evil cult that's not a valid religion, and state in no uncertain terms that we won't tolerate it anymore. People can believe whatever the hell they like individually but the preaching of Islam should be treated like the preaching of Nazism or anything that's been declared a dangerous cult. Not only should the "ground zero" mosque not be built but all others should be knocked down. If muslims don't like it then they can go and live in an islamic country, that's what they ultimately want anyway isn't it? And if it isn't then why are they muslims?

ANother post full of bs and no historical reality.

Islamic extreamism has only been around for 100 years or so at the most.

During the Dark Ages of Christianity, Islam was the only free place for anyone to live. It was the height of society and science, especially Muslim controlled Spain. Islamic laws originally allowed all people to freely practice their religion so long as they paid thier taxes and didn't openly denounce Islam, meaning saying Islam was the devil etc.

ACtually reading the Quran would prove everything you've found on the interent from biased sites to be horrible wrong. Muslims come to America for the freedoms of life they know the Quran actually teaches and they desire.

God you are so full of hate its scary.