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superchunk said:

Article is self defeating.

1. Even after the total number decreased it was still over 4 times higher than pre2001, shown some increase in at least reported incidents.

155 incidentas out of 315 million people is not a phobia

2. Of the 3000 people murdered on 9/11, a great number of them were Muslim as well.

"Great number" huh?? The US muslim population is 2%.  Which means apporximately 60 muslims were killed, not including the 19 muslims that perpetrated the attack, that not a GREAT NUMBER of anything

3. The 'controversial' Mosque is closer to an existing Mosque than Ground Zero and you can't even see it from Ground Zero.

The mosque location IS part of the 9-11 attacks as the landing gear from one of the planes went through the roof. 

4. This is raised in US because we are the US and must hold ourselves to higher levels and standards than any other nation, especially those Muslim nations you all like to use for comparison so much.

No moral equivelance

5. No one says America is a land of intolerance, just that it seems the right-wing is becoming more and more radical, which is scary as that path leads to the same extreamism we denounce daily.

So the right-wing is more dangerous than radical islam....huh???

6. Author's name is 'Goldberg' (Jewish).... ok j/k on that one, just thought it was funny, ya know whole Isreali/Jewish issue with Palestinian/Arab/Muslim etc... ok joke has past.

Stereotyping, a great way to lose all credibility