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Rainbow Yoshi said:
AnthonyW86 said:

Again the statement wasn't that the Wii isn't more powerfull than the Gamecube, it is that the Wii is a refurbished Gamecube hardware wise. And since most of it's architecture is indeed identical this still holds true. It's also stated that Nintendo will probably be the first to come out with a new console because of the Wii being least powerfull console of this gen, and that's only logical aswell.

I really don't see anything wrong in what this Ubisoft dev said.

The Wii is due to be replaced soon, 2012/2013 are the most likely periods. The reason for creating the Wii with less power compared to its rivalling consoles is down to Sega and its lack of success with the Dreamcast. Nintendo decided to take a separate route after the lack of success with the Gamecube and adopted Motion Controls as opposed to adopting HD for the Wii. 

The Wii's motion controls were actually designed for the GC to begin with.  They were planned to extend the life of the system but Iwata and Miyamoto agreed that it would work better as a whole new console.  It had nothing to do with the GC as a failure because it wasn't a failure at was profitable console.   Work on the Wii remote began in 2001.

The rEVOLution is not being televised