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If more games were released on it that I want and aren't better or the same on the 360 I would gladly buy more games for my PS3.  It's just:

  • Multiplatform games are generally (not always) better on the 360
  • I prefer achievements
  • I prefer the 360 controller (unless it's a D-Pad heavy game)
  • I have more Live friends than PSN friends

It's as simple as that for me.

I believe the only multiplatform PS3 games I have are Batman: AA because of the free DLC, Dead Space because I wanted something with trophies, and FFXIII because it was petter on the PS3.  Other than, things like Red Dead I got on the 360 because my friends had it on the 360, things like Bayonetta were simply better on the 360, or things like Bioshock 2 I just wanted achievements more than trophies.