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Khuutra said:
SecondWar said:

Im on my first play-through of the game, and having not played the first game, its hard to tell how much influence your decisions are having. So far I recruited the Doctor who was curing the plague in Omega without any problems. The next guy (cant remember names so bare with me) was building some sort of supersoldier as part of his 'legacy'. He ended up getting killed so my team extracted his soldier who was still in its stasis tank. Also managed to get Archangel, who was also nearly killed in the process.

Is that pretty much how its always turns out or can other decisions vary the outcome and to what degree? Curious as Im pretty new to the series.

The way missions start tend to be identical regardless of your decisions. There was no way for you to get trough without Archangel nearly dying, for instance.

I do recommend playing the first game if at all possible, but let me know what you think of this one, having started fresh on it.

You know what I just realized? My memory totally sucks. I played a bit of ME2 on 360 a few months back, but I remember almost nothing.

I know about Shepard's reconstrution, Miranda and the Illusive man, but I cant remember the name of any other character or quest.

In fact, I tend to forget games completely after playing them. I see some people who play RPGs knowing the name of every character, boss and item and it amazes me.

Though in a way this is good - the game will be fresh right from the start for me