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Wow. Ok. A lot of replies :

@NoCtis_NoX - DeathSpank is 15 dollars

@KylieDog - Im a trophy whore, but not so much. I have no interest in Move and will not buy one just to plat games.

I mean, would I like Move? Ok. If I had some money lying around, I'd play it ocasionally just to see what its like. But I dont got the cash, and the little I do is for the games I really want. So I hope they dont do this.

@ethomaz - Yes. Its great. But Im stuck on a level thats really hard even on Easy. In fact, I havent played it in a long time. Gotta get back to it.

@Arcturus - I cant believe Im still at 11. I have earned virtually nothing for like 2 weeks. And thanks for the update.

Phew. Long post.