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HexenLord said:

I don't think people here are quite using their brains.


1. The OVERALL capabilities from GC -> Wii were less than 25% of the increase of either the Xbox -> 360 or PS2 -> PS3. It wasn't much of a buff from Gamecube in perspective terms. Is it basically the same thing? Sadly, yes. While the Wii might be more powerful, it still can't really do anything that the GC couldn't do other than render a few more polygons.


2. Nintendo fans are huge retro fans. They will be a Nintendo console just because its a Nintendo console. They will buy NEW Super Mario Brothers just because its a Mario game, even though its not a huge technological advancement over Mario games of 10 years ago. Saying that the WIi doesn't equal the GC just because the Wii sells better is futile.


3. You can't say the Wii is more powerful just because you think that the best Wii game looks better than the best GC game. Sorry, but technology has advanced outside of the gaming industry in leaps and bounds between now and when the GC was current gen. Games were going to look better regardless of hardware. If the GC was still current gen, the games would look far better now than they did 5 years ago. Another futile argument.


4. I'm still stricken by the amount of people who relentlessly and aimlessly defend the Wii's shoddy capabilities when someone brings them into question. Even IF its more powerful than the GC, the Wii is still a last-gen console in terms of hardware output and game quality.

how is it last generation?

if you mean because it does not use multiple core's than yes you could say that, and yes i would agree with that it is using last generation hardware for today's generation of gaming.

but saying the Wii's Game quality is last generation I will not agree with that statement at all, for the simple fact is the Game cube did not concentrate on Motion control's to make them a foundation of the IDEA's of game development and as a seperate platform of game development for the Wii.

look at it this way, just because there is motion control's for the Wii does not mean the developer's had to use it, they could have used just standard game pad control's the Wii's confroller can be used for non motion control's.

The Idea that removes the Wii as a last generation system is at its core "is a new way to develop games for a system" many people thought of development as only for just a game pad, but motion control's add another layer for game development.

this not only benefited Wii but the entire industry, an no it was not only Nintendo that saw that ,it was many even in other companies that saw the effect that would enable new idea's and new way's to develop software for system's. It was getting the higher up's to go forward that was the problem. By Nintendo doing what they did, they did move the industry forward,but they were far from alone.

That is why the Wii is not a last generation system.For one the game cube did not have this effect on the current generation of system's.

There is thing's all three companies have that are changing the idea that seperates these consoles from the previous generation of system's ,and it's not just the hardware on how much polygon's you can shift, it's the IDEAS that come from development to be used on the hardware. The hardware is great an all it give's you an idea of the machines performance, but that Hardware does not make the machine a next generation system what makes it a next generation system is the IDEA that make a change from the previous generation and what develops out of that.

your going to have some thing's that stay pretty much the same with minor tweaks..that's a givin, but there will be thing's that define your new system that seperates the system from last generation, it may not even be game releated but what your system does that seperates it due to an idea that developer's made an effort to put forth on the machine that  may change someone's perception of what that machine is.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.