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I hate to say it but the Wii is a refirbished improved GameCube. He's absolutely right, of course I see that in a more positive light then he is obviously portraying it. I think that UbiSoft was one of the Wii's biggest supporters out of the gate and Nintendo should take the publishers opinions very seriously.

Infact Nintendo has been taking alot of flack from publishers, Sega , EA and UbiSoft doing the majority of the talking. Honestly if you do not like what those publishers have to say perhaps your not a real gamer (Sorry to be so harsh) But Nintendo needs to take them seriously and we as gamers should not always shrug them off because they have contrary views to our own.

Fact is publishers aren't happy with the path Nintendo is choosing, fans and Nintendo should be willing to compromise and make accomadations for the publishers. Nintendo needs to continue listening to publishers when they launch the next system. Give the publishers what they want as they are almost as important as the consumer!

If nobody makes products for your system nobody will buy it. P.S UbiSoft's titles have been key to Nintendo's success starting with RedSteel and most recently JustDance! Nintendo please listen to one of the most important publishers in the world!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer