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Avinash_Tyagi said:
PDF said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:

This is no more than a opinion.  You are putting religions in a bad light.  This isnt the medival age anymore.  Most churches do not run on witch hunt tacktics.  The General Idea for most christians churches isnt to force you in an force you to stay but to ley you kno they are always open.  They want people to meet jesus and not fear the Devil.  They want us to love not hate.  You are wrong and obviously do not understand.


Please leave such topics as personal as this out of a light hearted VG forums.

 I disagree, I don't need to paint religion in a bad light, it does that itself, this is the same religious groups that try and influence politics so they can push their own beliefs on the public, that is not love, that is force, you are trying to mold society into your religious views in spite of those who may feel differently, even when the evidence is against your beliefs, like with evolution, the same groups that scream bloody murder when companies say happy holidays instead of Merry christmas, in spite of the fac tthat christmas isn't even a real holiday, just a bastardized version of various pagan fesitvals, these religions today try to push a much more subtle method of conversion, rather than forcing individuals to convert they try to change the society and its laws

wether you like it or not today is jesus birthday and if your celebrating christmas you are celebrating him.  Christmas hmm lets look at that word,  Christ=jesus.

America was founded on religous values, vaules which we still have today.  They are trying to force it on you.  You are trying to take it away.  It was here 1st.  Religion help start every culture that exist today.  You cant force somthing that is already there.  You are trying to remove are values because you dint like the idea that there somone more important than you and everyone you love.  You reject the idea that you will go to hell so there for you rather not believe and live you care free life.  In the end if I am wrong it wont matter.  I would of lived a good life and we will just be dead.  If I am right i will live in enternal happiness and you will doomed.

I respect everyone rights to beleive any religion or no religion at all if they choose.  I will not go out of my way to bash you.  Many Christians confuse the word of god that tells them to spread to non believers.  They try to tell you what to believe but I am not like that and niether are alot of good christians.  We let you live your life and we are jsut good friends that let you kno the door is always open if your ever ready, but if you arnt we will leave you alone.

 Actually even if christ was a real person he was not born today, he was likely born in fall say most scholars, in addition christmas is really just a theft of the holiday of Yule, hence the yule log, and the decorating of the tree.

Most of the founding father's were not chrisitians at least not in the sense of today, many were in fact deist and were against the christian religion, even calling it a source of darkness.  Our laws are not based on judeo-christian beliefs.  Even if religion is at the heart of many cultures it is not the same faiths or beliefs that form every culture, in addition today we have many who choose not to practce any belief, or a belief totally different, when one religious group attmepts to dictate law and culture to others that is forcing their beliefs, that is what religious organizations do.  Also you assume I don't have belief, that is false, what I don't have is religion in the sense that I don't consider myself a member of any religious group or organization, however I do have my own personal beliefs, if you do belong ot a group or organization that is fine, however you need to accept that religious groups exist to push their belifs into the public arena.  As for your concept of the afterlife, if you want to believe in an evil being as your god, you are welcome to it, any god that would sentence people to hell is not worthy of my respect let alone worship.


 It's true that many of America's founding fathers were deists instead of Christians, but that bolded statement is completely false.  I've read many of the journals and letters of our founding fathers, and I challenge you to provide evidence of such a thing.  Where did you hear/read that? And many of our laws *are* based on Judeo-Christian beliefs.  Thomas Jefferson, one of the more liberal founding fathers, was instrumental in establishing the church-based public school system (which was later done away with, obviously) and he made many statements regarding his belief that a purely secular society was unsustainable. Regarding your statement that the Judeo-Christian god is an evil being, now you're just getting nasty and offensive to people of that faith, so this will be my last response to you in any thread when it involves religion/faith/belief.  I don't need to muddy this excellent site by even responding to your form of hate and/or bitterness toward others who choose to believe in something you do not.