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There are shader operations the Wii can do that the GC cannot do.  While it's not a huge increase in the shader library, new ones do exist.   Thera are also more pipes in the TEV.  Also having a faster CPU, GPU, RAM (and more) and buses allows for more shader ops at any given moment over the GC.

A "refurbished" GC would mean no changes at all.  It's actually a misnomer completely.  To be refurbished, a unit would need to be broken and merely restored to original spec and operation.

The mere fact that Wii has new hardware voids his statement completely.


I cannot believe it is 2010 and we still have people claiming Wii to be no more powerful than the GC.  I implore you all who share that belief to do some actual research instead of hanging on to the ficticious ramblimgs of fanboys.

The rEVOLution is not being televised