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Carl2291 said:
Antabus said:
Metallicube said:

Makes me laugh how these tech whores get their panties in a bunch that such an underpowered console is kicking the taints of the "amazing" powerful HD consoles.

I am not following your logic there. Where did the guy say anything like that?

He didn't.

But you should know by now that everyone dislikes the Wii because it's outselling the HD consoles. This also automatically makes the Wii better.

Not because (for example) Ubisofts 2 best selling games ever are on those said HD consoles.

The problem is assuming it's because those games are on the HD consoles made them sell, not that they are actually good and marketed well. NSMBWii didn't sell well just because it was on the Wii. It sold because it's also good and marketed well.

BTW, reviews don't make a game good, nor are a substitute for marketing.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs