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darkknightkryta said:
superchunk said:
darkknightkryta said:
joeorc said:

it is a fact that the Wii is quite more robust in it's hardware over the game cube..

and no it's not

(2) game cubes duct taped together..that is lame

the real point is even though the Wii is quite more powerful than the Game cube the developer's are not taking advantage of that extra power. Hell even Nintendo it seem's is in no hurry to push the system. which is ok, that the games are fun anyway. but on the same token at least give it a go and try to pust the envelope with the graphic's on the Wii. it would be kind of nice to see that once in a while.

The Wii is about as powerful as the first X-Box, the problem is that they didn't update the shader technology in the GPU so no matter what Nintendo or anyone for that matter does games won't look better than Gamecube games cause they can't make use of the lighting and normal maps that make 360/PS3 games look as good as they do.  Texture work and lighting will be same in the Wii as it was on the Gamecube best they can do is make bigger levels and use more higher res textures.

wow. You are so wrong. Wii > xbox > gcn > ps2. Numbers don't tell whole story, the CPU, Memory, and GPU are all better than what was in the xbox.

Metroid Prime 3 looks distinctively better than 1 or 2.

SMG1 and 2 looks distinctively better than anything on GCN.

Conduit (as will part 2) does many features that were not capable on GCN.

NSMBWii would not be possible on the GCN. (as two players maybe, not 4 and not with the super guide feature)

There are no games on xbox that couldn't have been done with same exact feature set on Wii. Wii could even do 720p if Nintendo had wanted, they chose not to in order to free up power for the game vs the HD pixels.

I'll use Metroid Prime 3 as my example.  I only played Metroid Prime 3 and I havn't played the others, but I'll use that to prove my point.  Metroid Prime 3 doesn't use any normal maps (I couldn't even tell if it used bump mapping but from what I can tell it doesn't for some reason.).  All the lighting is prebaked with some bloom in there.  The texture work is all medium detailed.  Shadows are prebaked into the scenery.  And what is Conduit doing that isn't can't be done on the GC?  And New Super Mario Brothers Wii couldn't be done on the GC?  Why pretail would that be?  It isn't exactly a big step up from the DS version.  But look what I'm trying to say is that when ATI was making Hollywood they never bothered to update to shader model 2.  So what does that mean?  Even though the Wii can pump out more polygons and use more of the high res textures the GC/PS2/Xbox can use doesn't change the fact that the Wii is stuck using those same textures from last gen, that same lighting from last gen etc.  Like the Wii is more capable yes, but the GPU didn't get the shader upgrade to actually do anything more than the GC can do, and that's where the problem lies.  If they upgraded the shader tech in the Wii then you'd have games on the Wii that look like SSF4 3DS and Resident Evil 3DS, but that's not the case.

jump i saw from metroid prime 2-3, was as big i seen on uncharted 1-2.

i dont agree,