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So I'm not sure if its been done before, but I'm thinking about running a VGChartz Critter Crunch tournament. Really like the game and the games are short enough that it would be easy to host a tournament with each round being a best of 5 and maybe the finals could be a best of 7. Maybe if a lot of people sign up I'll run an A,B,C,D qualifying group stage, like group play in the World Cup.

Would anyone here in the league be interested in participating? I'm going to make the official thread sometime this week. Guess I just want to gauge interest here in this thread first.

I know one person that will want to sign up: Arcturus. We did a best of 5 that got extended to best of 7 last night. He's the best player I've come across online and he's handed me the majority of my losses. Yesterday I finally came out on top 4-3.