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Vegas gap is still 2:1 for 360.  Not sure why exactly.  The PS3 versions of Batman:AC, AC:Brotherhood, SW:FU2 and even the shooter MOH are all close.  With the Am. HW diff. PS3 is doing better %s.  Walk-ins lean to 360 because of that difference though and if PS3 catches up later it's at lower prices.  Frontloading is good.  Pretty psyched.  Gonna name my boy Wayne Newtron and take over the place.  If I don't die of thirst.  They should have bought 'Danke Schoen' for promo music.  F-ing eerie.  58 days I seece tick, tick.      

The online nos. for Reach will be something to see.  Records for damn near everything. 

Way too early to be calling 'bust' on Move.  Someone in the PO comments was saying it looks like a flop.  Move could have dozens of great games over the next few years and sell really well but then they'll have direct competition from Wii HD.  Likewise early pre-orders for Kinect look promising and it appeals to an audience that 360 hasn't done very well with.  Women, families and casuals if I understand the target market.  Ninty could easily introduce something similar but somehow I doubt it.  I expect some larger innovation.  An interface like a fencing helmet that makes your magic wand look like a rapier, or a lightsaber and helps a projected 3D enemy look solid.  Or not.  Time will tell.