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Since I didn’t have time this morning, I just want to go into a little more depth on the "Eating healthy is expensive" half-truth ...

First off, even if you assume that eating healthy well balanced meals is expensive that does not mean that losing weight is expensive. The reason for this is simple, losing weight is simply the result of generating a caloric deficit which can be accomplished regardless of the nutritional quality of the food being eaten. Basically, you can eat the exact same things you’re currently eating and lose weight if you limit the portions enough and burn off enough calories through exercise.


With that said, eating a nutritionally balanced diet is not expensive. The reason why so many people are confused and believe this is because what they envision as eating healthy is the classical “rich person” diet; but this is hardly the only way an individual can achieve decent nutrition. A brief explanation of what I mean by this, most of the fancy foods we associate with classy eating today are actually variations of what the poor ate a couple of centuries ago, because the sauces and seasonings were what the poor used to mask the flavour of spoiled food; and the rich generally ate fresh simply prepared foods because they were the only individuals who could afford them. The poor were able to avert malnutrition because the majority of their diet was made up of staple foods; which are generally foods that are high in nutritional value, easy and inexpensive to cultivate, and are amazingly easy to store for long periods of time.

If you learn how to cook with dried beans and legumes, root vegetables, the squash family, frozen (mostly unprepared) foods, canned (mostly unprepared) foods, eggs, milk and dairy and supplement your diet with some fresh fruits, meat and vegetables I suspect that you will be able to eat far better for far less than you currently are. Even the high calorie/low nutrition foods that make up a lot of people’s current diet can be a part of a healthy diet if they are included in moderation.