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Probably say the same as I've always done but here's my opinion.

It was the worse FF game I've played, that said it as I have enjoyed every FF game and would rate nigh on all of then as 8/10 plus (including X-2), this could easily be a 7/10 and therefore a good game to play.

Sadly, I don't think it is. While the graphics were excellent, I didn't mind the linear path as many FF games start that way but the world felt closed in even on the bit you could explore, having to unlock certain parts. I didn't mind the voice acting nor the characters except Hope, hated him.

It could have done with less dataloging narrative and actually explaining itself in game like every previous FF game. A little back story is fine but generally you start most FF games as a clean slate ready to learn. This had information and terms thrown at you expecting you to either know what they were or pause the game and go do some reading so you'd know. 

Battle system was frantic and flawed by the ease of death and lack of patience. Changing classes was nice and somewhat smoothened the battle but was better done in FFX-2. Enemies having one hit kills too shouldn't occur when if only your main character dies you game over, I guess that's why they added the 'retry'.

Leveling up was fine, infact best part of it, kinda like FFX's sphere grid, which was nice but should have been 'cheaper' to upgrade a class that wasn't the common one the character uses. It would mean a repeat play would end up the same while in other FF games you could change it around. Summons felt pointless too other then using it as a revive spell. Weapon upgrades were a bit weird too, apparently there is an actual pattern to it, which I only just found out. Not that I'm going to go back and do it.

Overall poor, some good bits but none of the good make it up. 

Hmm, pie.