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Wow, looks like Kinect is going to kill Move in the US. Move comes out in just three weeks while Kinect comes out in 11 weeks and yet Kinect has four times the number of preorders that Move has (91.5k preorders for Kinect Adventures versus 23.5k preorders for Sports Champions). Based on those indicators, Kinect looks like it could outsell Move this fall by 4:1 to 7:1 or so ratios which is a staggering difference.

Since Move comes out in 3 weeks has about 23.5K preorders, I'd say it might sell about 100k the opening week. Kinect has 91.5k preorders already and doesn't come out for 11 weeks so we could be looking at opening week sell through numbers for Kinect of about 300k to 400k or greater.

Is Move really in that much trouble? Seems like very few people are actually interested in the system. Kinect, OTOH, seems like it might actually have blockbuster sales this holiday season.