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Most European cars are garbage. That is why they make up maybe 10% of sales. Just a few niche markets like BMW.

Until Europe can build a better product at a lower price, I do not see them dominating the same way American TV, movies, game consoles etc dominate Europe. Just the same way Americans do not watch crappy European films which are very low budget and bad, but Europeans love American films and film stars like Will Smith.

 For example, there is no European game console. Americans probably wouldn't buy that since Europe kind of has a bad reputation. Europe has a lot of hedonists and muslims are starting to take over Europe. Also Europe is aging, and the economy of Europe grows very slow, often 2% or less, while unemployment is very high. As an investor, I steer clear of Europe stocks while American and many Eastern stocks are very good buys. Anyinvestor will tell you this. Europe just does not have good economy for many decades now. Taxes are too high and so forth.