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BenVTrigger said:
Michael-5 said:
Xero said:
RaY_Z said:

i love the delusions on this site =)...


ps... get both consoles.. you get the best of both worlds =)

And the worst. 

Like that ugly Xi your sporting in your signature, or how you're paying for £14,99. I dislike it when people say this, ever thought that people would prefer to commit to one console? There are like 100 games rated over 80 by metacritic on each console, how many gamers can honestly say they have gone through even close to that many, to warrant purchasing a new console for even more games. 

But some people want all the best games. PS3 has some amazing exclusives that are not on the 360, and vice versa. I mean Heavy Rain was an unforgetable experience, but Lost Odyssey was the best rated Japanese RPG this generation. Actually Valkeryia Chronicles was, but Lost Odyssey has more traditional gameplay. Halo and Gears are both amazing shooter franchises, but Uncharted, Killzone and Resistance are still good. Even the Wii is amazing, I mean I know I'm only interested in less then a dozen Wii games, but I just can't live without the Metroid franchise. (I borrow a Wii from a friend from time to time, but I own Metroid Prime 3, and Smash Bros Brawl).

Some people play a lot of video games, and $300 for a console isn't crazy to someone who is no longer a teenager. Also with this generation, the great exclusives are divided.

So it's kind of silly to get two similar consoles (360/PS3), but at the same time it makes sence.

That was a very solid post and pretty much agree with you 100%

and to the other guy there's people who play ALOT of games.  I've played over 112 games on just my 360 this gen.

We're on VGChartz, don't tell me 'alot' when there's something called attach rates. 

I agree though. I was just saying that there are also, downsides to having both consoles, I dislike it when people suggest that that should be the ultimate goal for everyone. I agree when people say you can't be unbiased, without owning or having owned both, however I don't agree that owning both is an intelligent decision for the majority.