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TheRealMafoo said:
damndl0ser said:

Are you saying that everyone should pay an equal amount per person?  This logic fails me.


Generally the more money you make the more resources you use from the general public.  As an example, if I am a truck driver and I drive continually year round and make $70,000 a year.  I have used more resources than the average Joe Blow who works down the street that unloads my truck and makes $15,000 a year.  Since I use more resources , generally I should pay more tax.  Everyones tax should be different.  

If I miss understood your point sorry.  But a flat tax is simply not fair, the upper class who generally use more of these resources our Government provides would basically turn whats left of the middle class into peasants if this happend.  Sure it sounds nice that everyone would pay an equal amount and that this is a fair share but it is not.  The rich would get richer, the middle class would perish and the lower class would have an even smaller chance of climbing out of it.

The example of the truck driver is just a basic one, and generally it would work with about anyone who makes a lot of money (at any job).


I am not talking money, I am talking time. Everyone should pay the same time per year. If I make 10x what you make over the same time, I should pay 10X what you pay.

The way we do it today, is if I make 10x what you make, people think it's right to just ask me to pay 10% more, and then you don't have to pay anything. That's wrong. I don't owe any more of this country then you do, and my opinion of how to run this country does not matter any more then your does.

If along with not supplying hours to the country, you also chose to give up your say in how it's run, I guess I would have less of a problem with it. So the 43% of the people who provide no effort to keeping the country up, don't get a say in how it's run. If I have to work twice as many hours as you do in order to supply what the country thinks I should pay, my vote should count twice as much.

That's not really how I would want it to be, but at least that's fare.

The way it is today is like having three people living in a house, two pay all the bills and take care of the upkeep, and one does nothing (and has no plans to do anything). When it's time to discuss how much money to spend on replacing the front porch, do you think all three should have an equal say? I should hope you wouldn't expect the one who has no intent to pay or do the work, to have the same weight in the discussion.

If you do, where do you live? I want to move in.

Where did you come up with this 43% of people?  I am not doubting it I would just like to know.  I would imagine more than half of those people are disabled, retired or children.  So what happens when you get hurt or retire?  Do you expect those people should lose their right to vote etc..?   And should put their "time" in?  

I do believe that if your able to work you should work, but there are people who cannot work.  A lot of those people have severe physical and or mental disabilities, I do feel like that we as a nation should take care of this group of people.  If you think we should just get rid of them or let them starve then you would probably fit in with the Young Hitler Youth.

There will never be 100% compliance with the system.  Just for the simple fact we are all humans and some of us really just don't give a fuck and could live under a tree for all they care.  Unfortunately a lot of these people live with their hands out and this is the real problem.  It will never go away, and it has always been this way since the begining of time.  They were usually beggers and thieves.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!