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@ solid snake i know you dont mean to use it in a harmfull way but you are one in a million dude


@soriku, technically you could but you would have to disect the japaneese game translate it recompile then transfer it to an hdd and load it up on ur ps3


one thing is it said it worked with external hdds so all you would have to do is back up a bluray disc from your ps3, then use a computer and downoad games and put em in the same directory as the one you backedup yourself.

This could be a huge dsaster for sony and damn near anyone expecting for ps3 releases, with the ease of the exploit any peice of shit would pirate games for it. Theres one douche that comes into my gamestop store looks around and makes a list of 360 games then goes home and downloads em all, and not once has he made a purchase...