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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Darth Tigris said:

Its a fantastic game and its a great thing that PS3 owners who cannot afford another system due to money or time will have a chance to play it.  Its not the full experience, but its better than nothing.

As for PS3 or 360 fanboys either crying or taunting, I really wish you would find another community.  You're making this one increasingly hard to enjoy.

If you're looking for a community without ignorant fanboys, then you better stop looking on the internet for it, lol. Nothing you can do about it really. Just ignore it, and know that the people they are fanboys of, spend a good amount of their time laughing at them.

Most forums also have a function to ignore certain posters, but this one does not.  There are certain ones here that simply dominate a number of topics out there and basically ruin legitimate attempts at constructive communication.  I usually do ignore them, but certain ones have just upped their game lately (and gotten some bans because of it) and its just bad.

And for the record, I do know that most forums have these individuals.  But this one is being crippled by them.