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no i don't mind being called heph exclusively instead of hephaestos, and keep that for the role. (it'd be damn funny if i was revealed as both... but sadly it's not the case)


Somehow I don't picture hatmoza doing a first day's too risky, especially since it brought discution and suspiscion. I do think he is genuine in saying that he's a psy and that kratos is the SK. For me he's already played his game well, true victory is to give all of yourself, without regret, and there he can't have regrets.

1) However, last game there was a vigilante, he unfortunately got unlucky, why would kratos be any better? once revealed, can't a mafia bus driver just use him to kill whoever he wants? Sometimes the most important battle, is the battle within... and there a known vigilante would be bad for the town from within...

2) Also, there is a big flaw.... if the sk came out and the doctor cured him....whould Hatmoza have the time to cure him or would he be already dead in the same night? that would be a fool's move, all they'd get would be but an open grave bearing their name.


I think the best option is to have hatmoza protected untill HE finds the SK... from his bold first day stunt, I see a strong will to fight in his eyes. This battle is not over yet, Hatmoza, you may still give the town an asset....otherwise, well we'll just seal his fate with a messatsu lynch (a nasty one).

Once he founds the SK , he just tells us he found him but not who it is, like that no risk of busdriving. In any case, that is my belief until later in the game.


The town can always try to influance the sk's descisions... he might be nice. The other game when i was it, i felt I hepled the town nicely in the day and only used the kills to balance the game (to not be alone vs3 sheeps or wolves wannabes), maybe he can be nice to the town... or at least balance the game if mafia takes a lead. In any case, whether we win or lose, it's an interesting turn of events for the first day of the game.