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Yeah, it really sounds like the OP is one or more of the following things:

  • He chose a private school over a state school
  • He didn't research his school (I'm guessing he chose one close, one with a good football team, or one that had a good reputation)
  • He fully expects employers to rush to his door with job offers simply handed to him because of the mere fact he has a degree.
  • He chose a major that wasn't right for him so he doesn't have the best grades because he's not good at what he chose to do or he's not motivated.
  • And don't get me wrong, you can be successful without a college degree, it's just you're MUCH more likely to more successful with one.  It's funny to listen to people straight out of college who can't find a job.  It's always the schools fault and not theirs at all.  Why wouldn't someone want to hire a recent grad with a 2.4 GPA and no co-op or relevant experience?  They're the ones that suck, not you.

    And just for reference, I can laugh because I was right there with you after graduating.  I did little research, chose a major because it could be cool, and had no experience upon graduating.  With a Computer Scrience in hand and having to accept a Geek Squad job because I couldn't find anything else, I didn't blame my school.  True, I think they could have done a better job preparing me for the real world but I also didn't do a job preparing myself.  During school I forgot that I would be competing with 1000's of other people better than me and I didn't try as hard as I should have.  My own fault.

    Anyways, have fun at Devry or Westwood College because I'm sure they'll do everything within their power to get you a job.  /sarcasm