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I think worrying about originality is overblown. I mean seriously who out there singing nowadays is truly original? I'm sure we throw any artist out there and their music, fashion, personality, etc. could be directly compared to someone that came earlier they either were directly or indirectly influenced by. Who cares? Some good Nas lyrics to make my point with:

"No idea's original, there's nothing new under the sun
It's never what you do but how it's done"

The thing is we don't know what the future holds. We can't accurately predict the influence and lifeline an artist will have decades from now. All I know is, at this current moment and the foreseeable future, Lady GaGa is the top dog in music. Let's not pretend that other artists who influenced previous generations like The Beatles and Michael Jackson didn't make remarkably simple and shallow music at times. Let's also remember the timeline some of these influential acts had when they finally elevated their music to a more critically acceptable level. GaGa as far as I can tell elevated herself musically already once going from The Fame to The Fame Monster. Lyrically it's deeper than her earlier effort. The album itself is more cohesive and has a running theme. She has plenty of time to grow as an artist and influence consumers and other artists through different sounds throughout her career if she does indeed turn out to be legit.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.