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d21lewis said:

I don't think the word "nigger" is worse than any other derogatory term for any other race.  There are epthets for the French, Native Americans, Mexicans, Itallians, people with freckles, and pretty much any other race you can think of.  You just shouldn't use them.

At the same time, most races (not just black people) have taken their "N-Word" and embraced it.  How many white people are proud to call themselves "Red Necks"?  How many Itallians are proud to call themselves "Guidos"?  How many freckled people are proud to call themselves "Freckers"?  It's not the word.  It's the connotation.  I know black people who'd get offended if a white guy came up to them and called them "Tyrone".  Tyrone isn't a bad word.  It's just the implication that comes along with it that he finds offensive.

In my experience, white people are more likely to accept racially insulting stereotypes.  I don't know if they just have a better sense of humor than other races or if being white really IS that awesome.  Lots of people I know will volounteer "Oh, I'm white.  You know I can't dance." or something like that.  Good for them.  At the same time, some of my favorite movies (Like Goodfellas or Kill Bill) use the word nigger.  Doesn't offend me at all.  People just need to stop being so damned sensitive.  If there's no hate behind the word when it's being used, then what's the harm?   There's too many other things in the world for me to be offended by.  I'd rather hear a person say what they really think and KNOW that they don't like me for some preconceived (and probably wrong) notion instead of having them smile in my face and surprise me at the last second.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some fried chicken to get to!

Great example on the other racially slurs turned positive by the race it's used against. I was going to touch on that, but my post was too long.

I'd also like to add that Race jokes are hilarious.

I am the Playstation Avenger.