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Seece said:
zgamer5 said:
Seece said:
zgamer5 said:
Seece said:
zgamer5 said:

if that happens then we can safely say that next gen ms will have drop the xbox, and make a console called kinect. all the games will be casuals, their will be no controller no xbox live, only a kinect with casual games.

also if more fable,gears,halo games are made they will go on the pc.

Er no.

if the so called prediction of okey dokey happens and the 360 becomes 1st every year just because of kinect, then ms will make a console for the casuals. think about the money. why should they waste their time being 2nd when they could be first.

So much fail

Do you know how much XBL makes in revenue/profit a year? it's now well into the billions. I don't see Nintendo abandoning their hardcore do you?

There will always be a controller and there will always be core games, regardless of how Kinect does.

did you notice that i said kinect only? so if for the next 4 years the only games coming out were for kinect, that means no fable no halo, no gears, no rage, assassins creed, no cod, no madden, no rage, a fallout, no mass effect, and kinect ALONE pushes the 360 to the top, then ofcourse next gen they will release a casual console. 

if the 360 makes more money then the wii then they shoudnt, but it doesnt.

Yes and I gave reasons as to why that would never happen.

wait so you thought i was actually being serious, and i believed that it was actually going to happen :P hahahahahahahah!

im sorry if you didnt notice but i was being sarcastic in my first post. i was saying that kinect alone isnt going to bring the 360 to the top for the rest of this gen.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good