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leo-j said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
axumblade said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:
kooties said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Back to reality....Lady Gaga is nothing more than a gimmick. Period. She wont define any generation and she is definately not on the same level as Kurt Cabain, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, or Jimmy Hendrix (people who actually defined Generations because there music meant something and wasnt just a catchy beat with a digitally enhanced voice) 

typical elitist bullshit.

Not generation defining? She's become one of the most recognized artists of the late noughties and she's only done two albums so far. The era of music is defined by what was the most visible / popular at that time, and not what a minority thought was the best of the era. (Personally Vedder > Cobain)

Also it's really easy to easily to simplify artists to the point of easy dismissal, such as the tired shoegazers, 4 powerchord songs, average vocalists, and simple pentatonic soloists that you just listed. (I don't mean that, I love The Doors and Nirvana, but the way you presented that argument is akin to the typical elitist that listens only to local scene and the 5 bands he heard as a kid.)

You have quite the vivid imagination,lol. First of all what is the late noughties? I though this was the 2010's. Now to address your first statement. What defines an era of music is not always necessarily what gets the most radio airplay or is played on MTV constantly. Brittany spears sold millions of albums, ect, and years later is literally completely forgotten about (because her music meant nothing) It's music with meaning that actually reaches people in that generation that ends up defining it.

How am I being an elitist? I gave a short list of musicians who actually defined generations and I can add more (Thome Yorke,Black Francis, Layne Staley, Eddie Vedder, Trent Reznor, Maynard Keenan).Here's also a more  recent list of artists who have more talent in their left finger than Lady Gaga? ( Muse,  Arcade Fire, Avenge Sevenfold, Shinedown, Stone Sour).

My main point was is that she will not define a generation. She brings nothing original to the music scene besides the costume's she wears on stage (her image was manufactured by the record company anyways). There's nothing wrong in listening to catchy pop music but to take an artist like Lady Gaga as serious as Leo J does is rather hilarious. 

Defining a generation doesn't mean that everybody listens to the person. It means they are a major inspiration for what is going on in that time, which is apparent if you look at pop and r&b singers that are coming out now. Whether she is prepackaged or not, it doesn't really matter because "lady gaga" is what is influencing a lot of artists in that particular genre.

Who is she influencing artist wise? I havent really seen anyone copy her image or her sound. I mean it's no where near on the same level as what the Pixes did for the alternative rock scene or what Chuck Berry did for rock music.



rihanna 06:



rihanna 2010:


katy perry 2008:


katy perry 2010:


celebrities before gaga:


celebrties now:


everyone in 2009 kept jaw dropping themselves looking at gaga every single "DAY" of her career, she would wear something jaw droppingly interesting, now in 2010 its not just her wearing what she wears.. Other's are starting to catch on to her style, and it's becoming a trend, ever notice the hairbow on every girl today? And all that techno colored clothing today? Guess who started that ..

and guess what?

I rest my case..

Wow your cherry picking is so forced and obvious.  I could find a picture of Lady Gaga wearing regular clothes, and a picture of Grace Jones wearing a crazy outfit 30 years ago, or Peter Gabriel wearing a crazy outfit 40 years ago, and say "Look they ALWAYS dress wacky, and Lady Gaga ALWAYS dresses normal," but it wouldn't be true.  It would just make me a jerk.