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@ Commentators who have quoted me,

I apologize for having a difference of opinion. I understand exactly where you are coming from. If this Muslim Mosque is built it symbolizes the greatest of American values in tolerance, freedom of religion, and forgiveness of past transgressions. Admirable, but naive when there are those of the Muslim faith who have proclaimed war with the West and have taken actions going back from the first WTC bombings in 1993, 9/11, the 2004 Madrid train bombing,Beslan, the thwarted British subway bombing, Darfur, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, and on.

This will also be viewed by militant Islamic extremists as capitulation and victory on their part. Imagine if after the Oklahoma City Bombing allowed a white racist church to be built a few blocks from the site? No one would support it because of what it symbolizes.

All these militants needs to be seeing as symbolism is predator drones flying overhead dropping bombs and US Army snipers in pine trees just like Ruby Ridge.

That is all I have to say on this subject.