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I ant to be able to hunt dinosaurs. Not like the newer Turok, but kind of like what was hinted at in the first game on the N64.

You'd play a savage (possibly pre-human) in an alternate past where dinosaurs and humanity walked the Earth at the same time, and it's your job to hunt them for meat and for protection. You would track them down according to signs that are unique to each species - you might be able to tell if youre tracking specific carnivores by the condition of their prey - and kill them in ways appropriate to it. You ocould set traps, herd them into impassable areas, and use primitive weapons in terrifying ways.

I have the image of a man dropping out of a tree and onto a Triceratop's back, sinking a knife made out of obsidian between the vetebrae of the creature in order to bring it down.

I don't describe it well, but I think it would be very fun to play. Dinosaus could be these huge god-creatures that you would have every reason to fear, and the biggest challenges - like the Tyrannosaur - would make for some of the best boss fights (so to speak) ever conceived.