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Schizophrenia doesnt make you do those all those horrible stuff i mentioned before...

Dude, haven't you ever heard of that theory that when people tell a story, the more they tell it (or the more the story is transmited orally form person to person), the more the story is deformed and is likely to gain outlandish details. Hack, every time I tell something that happened to me I sprouse things up a little to make the story more interesting.

In my country, there was this case of a demon possesion of a nun in a monastery. Turns out that she was a schizophrenic that escaped from the mental institution and became  a nun. And igonrant monk (or priest, can't remembar what the jerk was) and some stupid nuns performed an "exorxcism" on her, and the lady died (she was abducted, tied to a bed, and starved to death; they didn't even give her water). The outrageous part was not their immense stupidity, but the fact that they got away, thanks to the efforts of the stupid corrupt Church and the fact that peopel in my country are religious and believe all kinds of superstitious crap.

i really dont even wanna start a debate on demonic possesions, its so terrible to even think about it...

This line made me LOL. How old are you? 'Cause you sure seem adorably naive and innocent to write something like this.

And there is a diffrence between indian burial grounds and regular cemetaries.

I'm well aware of that.

My mom told that once she saw a woman in the the white gloving dress in the middle of the night walking. But there was something wierd with the way she walked. Her feet didnt touch the ground, it was like she was flying about 50cm in the air. The woman then went behind a tree and and just disappeared without a trace.  No one ever saw her again,

I think your mom should go see a specialist. this is worrying. Got any more details aboutthis story?

The Jasper thing was a typo.

I'm sure Casper forgives you for mistyping his name. After all, he is a friendly kind of ghost.

And you didnt asnwer my question. Do you even believe in any paranormal activity whatsoever?

Sorry, didn't notice you asked me that. My answer is: NO, I don't beleive that anything is "paranormal". If something is (by this I mean exists, is real), then it's "normal". Some things have yet to be explained, and I'm sure scientist or someone will find an explanation for them in the future. These things might also have something to do with that DMT substance in the brain that causes hallucinations (somebody mentioned it on another topic).

Personally I've never witnessed any paranormal situations, but I've heard others relate such situations (most of the time it was something thet heard from a friend, who hear it from another friend, who learned it from a roomante's friend... you get the drift).

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
