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disolitude said:
steverhcp02 said:

Why would i comment on "potential" im so sick of that. If a company/website is going to show off a product then thats what im commenting on. The zoom is clunky, the scroll is awkward, the keyboard is absurdly small.

Just because im not crossing my fingers hoping this knocks off apple im not closed minded.

A tablet PC of this or probably the next 3 generations will not replace laptops. The touch screen is the most important part, the zooming and text size, the refitting of web pages......the iPad in this video does all of those things better thus i commented on such things

Geez man, you realy want to argue about this eh...

1. Keyboard issue: USB ports = any keyboard you want.  I bet they will sell neat little docks which let you plug the tablet at a desk and use your own mouse and keybaord. Try to write an essay paper with an Ipad VS that setup.

2. Scaling of the sites - Ipad doesn't scale sites better, but it looks like that because it compensates for lack of flash. PC tablet supports flash fully and you will see the whole page as you would on a normal PC. Notice how youtube videos on Ipad don't even have comments listed...

3. PC tablet doesn't apear sluggish at all - In that video its faster for browsing, and email navigation. the only thing that APPEARS sluggish is zoom feature. However this is how zoom works on windows 7. Hold CTRL scroll your mouse to see it on your desktop. They have plenty of time to make a better zoom function.

It seems on par cosmetically with the Ipads interface which is impressive considering Apple puts 90% of their resources in how an interface looks VS how functional it is.

And then we get to...

USB ports - since its windows 7, USB ports should have the same compatibility as the desktop. This is huge.

Wanna play an SNES emulator on your tablet PC? Plug in a 360 pad and run it. Wanna watch TV on your tablet? Plug in a capture card and the cable box... Wanna sync your Ipod with Itunes on the road? Plug it in...

I bet you 100 bucks Apple releases Ipad 2.0 next year with USB ports and camera. And cahnrges you 899 for the 32 gig version...

And finaly SD card - expanding the memory is always welcome. Its nice not to have to pay the 64 GB version price and still have 64 GBs of memory.

I dont want to argue, im just saying people can have different opinions than you. Its quite okay.

This is like when people argued WinMo is so much better than the iPhone because the phones had video calling, bigger megapixel camera, replacable batteries, upgradable memory different ports for video etc. Yet in the end it didnt matter because people just didnt give a shit because the iPhone had a batter interface, easier to use and the App store. Its all about functionality. 

For your lists a USB port is crucial, for the real world tablet market it surely isnt.

Apple offering through a single carrier, essentially a single phone (just featurerich/less versions) stil grew marketshare....without the luxery of multiple carriers and its OS spread across multiple devices.

Epeen lists are fine and dandy but certain markets thrive on simplicity and functionality, not Epeen lists, tablet/smartphones are among them.