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It is interesting to see that my overly frequent(yet overall low quality) posts still keep me  on the list( I remember when I posted well over 100 times a day, Yikes! and sometimes I cringe when I go back and read them.), this all being despite me not posting much in the last 2 years, or at least compared to what I did in the first half of the year of me joining Vgchartz. I don't really like voting on these things, especially when choosing a negative, although I do think it is nice to give people credit or rather acknowledgment for achieving the points, especially those who've earned them through contributions(not that having many posts is a bad thing, just that there is a certainty with contributions that is not present among those whom post a lot.) Although this later point doesn't seem very relevant considering that this is a popularity contest, and not a 'most productive' or 'most contributing' one. Anyway and regardless, thanks for my addition.